November 27, 2010


Time never waits for anyone.. nor does people.. if u want to progress in life, u have to sacrifice one thing or the other.
When we look into the life of successful people... we would be able to realise the difficulties and sacrifices they have made to attain and reach where they are now.
A seed goes beneath the soil and loses it's outer shell, it then becomes a big tree.
A small child falls many times before he or she learns how to walk.
Until and unless, we go through the pain, we wont be able to achieve our goal..
Fear not the pain, nor the struggle, because these difficulties are the steps towards success which will help us transcend all obstacles.
Moreover.. To change your life, you need to change your priorities.....
If we agree that the bottom line of life is happiness, not success,
then it makes perfect sense to say that it is the journey that counts, not reaching the destination.

August 21, 2009

Encourage/Discourage - which is correct?

Encourage, not discourage! It's a simple slogan that carries a lot of weight. But how many of us really ponder over it. To be encouraged or discouraged by someone is our choice and similarly to encourage or discourage someone is our decision.
Have you ever helped a person get out of an enigmatic situation? If you have then you can really understand what encouragement means.
Have you been around people who seem to attract others? It’s a pleasure being with them and they make you feel easy and comfortable. I call them the encouraging people.
Often in your path towards your goal, you’ll find both kinds (encouraging & discouraging people). It’s your decision to decide what you want out of yourself. There are times when even a single encouraging word can save someone’s life, or can change his/her attitude towards life. But at the same time, a discouraging word can inspire the person to take a challenge and achieve his/her goal.

I think it depends on the person and the purpose for which he’s being encouraged or discouraged. What do you have to say??

July 30, 2009

ACCEPTANCE – An answer to all questions

I guess most of us are familiar with this word…but are we familiar with it’s meaning….it means that you perceive reality accurately and consciously acknowledge it.

Sounding really simple n obvious… isn’t it? But in practice it is very difficult because we are not ready to accept the reality. What are we afraid of? What is it we can’t accept? Even God will not answer you if you don’t accept what it is you are praying for…Accepting means, to admit, to face the truth, to acknowledge and to actually perceive and accept our present situation.

Accept your tears.

Accept your love.

Accept your happiness.

Accept your problems

Accept your challenges.

Accept your weaknesses.

Accept your strengths.

Acceptance helps in recognizing an existing problem that needs to be solved. It denotes a kind of confidence. We feel afraid of accepting because we believe that it will crush us into pieces…but acceptance says it is alright….you will not vanish completely… you’ll exist in pieces and can still pick them and combine into a stronger whole.

We can’t change the things….though good or bad that may have happened to us in past. But only after we accept our past, we will be able to say that it has no control over our present. Bitter memories haunt us like ghosts….we cannot run away from them…but we can confine them to the past they belong.

To RESIST is to WASTE your precious energy fighting an important battle. Instead one must surrender that battle so that the next battles can be won.

Accept your grief today, and then accept God’s love and healing for you.

July 23, 2009


LIFE IS NOT A BED OF ROSES – goes according to a famous saying….. so u may think….. Is it a bed full of thorns?? Well, according to me, Life is a bed of Roses, Roses do have thorns (a fact), all u need to do is… avoid the thorns. It is the way we look at things because each day in life has something to teach us and life is a learning process, so there’s no big deal if you get thorns sometimes. A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing. Whatever we may think, plan or rather may even achieve it to the closest end….but life surprises us with an enormous change…a change that was carried over from the past and may affect our present, our future…………

You won’t realize what sweet is until you taste sour. Same is the case with life; you won’t realize how beautiful it is, until you face the challenges and struggle to achieve your goal. If there were no sad moments, the worth of happy moments couldn’t be realized. We must always remember…that “Nothing is Permanent, not even worries” and each phase of life will pass away giving us some unforgettable memories. After every dark night there is a morning filled with lots of light.

That’s what life is…..unpredictable